Tuesday, June 15, 2010

sakit nye

kenape skt nye ati ni ble dpt lynn cmni..pdih yg teramat sgt..ape yg kte ase, kte alami, xde org n yg tw...kdg 2 ble pndam sorg2, hnye ditemani air mate...ptt ke aku luahkan atau terus memendam rase..????xsggp ase jike trus idop dlm kadm cmni..apekah ini sume dugaan bg aku??begitu susah utk aku mendapatkan cinta sejati.adakah ini jwpn bg soalan aku 2???arrrghhhh....serabut nye rase....what should i do?...somebody can help me!!!!!!

Monday, June 14, 2010

find out

If u have a problems...
Find the ...source and solution.
If you believe he or she is worth it, you might as well just try.
If it goes well, thank god.
If it doesn't, move on.
Ignorance is bliss but happiness does not come without taking risks.


this is my wish 4 u..
smiles, when sadness intrudes,
sunsets, to warm ur heart,
courage, to know urself,
confidence, 4 when u doubt,
comfort, on difficult days,
faith, so that u can believe,
laughter, to kiss ur lips,
beauty, 4 ur eyes to see.
anD....LovE 2 complete ur life....


First, I like u,
Then, I love u,
Now, I'm afraid to lose u.