Thursday, October 7, 2010

mainan @ ugutan??

hey..ko rase bgs sgt ke nak ugut aku dgn care cmni..aku tw la aku ni lemah, tp ko xyh lah nak ambek kesempatan atas kelemahan aku ni..dah la 2, aku takut..ko phm x??tlg jgn ggu aku keluhan seorang insan lemah yang bernama cuya ardila..
actually, lately aku ase cam aku bt2 mcm xde pape cz aku xnk bermain ng emosi aku sgt..aku dah xtw cmne nak lari dri sume ni..patut ke aku juz biakn ataupn aku xbole lps tgn cm2 soal idop dan mati..klu aku lepas tgn dan biakan cm2 je, mgkn akn ade org yg t'luke n t'seksa..n kmgknan besa, akn ilang aku teruskn dan xlepas tgn, kemgkinan aku yg akn ilang nyawa..Ya Allah, bg la petunjuk kepada ku..kuatkan semangat dan peganganku Ya Allah..lembutkan la hati2 mereka yg berniat jahat terhadap antare dialog between aku dgn lelaki misteri 2..
"L: he is scary person...if u frenz wth him.don't cheat him...actually he not like girls...
mE: scary???what do u mean by he is scary??n he not like girls??n how im going to trust u..even i neva2 know u...
L: better u ask him by urself...be4 this no girls verge wth him..
mE: huhh...i'v already do dat...u unable 2 give me an answer..same wif him...hmm..plz la...jgn wt i tertanye2...
L: really?im not believed it...if u verge wth him n he like u...u can not run frm him...dia kaki pukul...
mE: oo..mksd nye u ni mmg btl2 knl dye la???so..ape hubungan antre u ng dye???fren???girlfren???adk??kkak??haa???
L: frenz..n i'm male..not female..sori k..don't tell him..if u trust me.. i'll tell u everything..
mE: bla...bla..bla....
Next Day.....
L: hw r u???
actually he is bandit person...u must know that..u like him?
mE: nope..
L: u must not worried about him becoz u not like advise,if u not like him..plz hated him..always hate him,,
mE: i'll neva hated him..b'cz he is my fren
L: u must avoid from him...becz my group want him...if u always wth him,u will in trouble
mE: ur group??so..explen 2 me...n hw dare u 2 say dat i will in trouble!!!
L: he is bold person..n also lover group want him..becz of some business..if my group have him,we can do anything
mE: okeyh...enuff..i will go
L: he change becz of u..he can influence many people in my place..i just use him n i get benefit..from..illegal racing..he is one of the top 5 racer..after contunued study at degrre level,he change..many frenz ask him,,just one answer he said..he said hitler down becoz of girls..n he never want to race becoz of u..he likes u so much..but u??...that y i tell u,if u dont like him,,plez avoid from him..plez..he will go to prison..he will die..he want to die becz of u..i like it if he die immedietly..i dont want to do that..but becz of want rich in easy way..thats y i just gunakan dia..n bla..bla..bla...'

...pending...aku xtw da cmne nak bt skng ni..aku dah xmampu nak pk ape..klu aku cube elak dari dye, dye mgkin akn bt bnde2 bodoh klu aku xelak dari dye, mgkin aku dlm bahaye..Ya Allah..knpe jdi cmni..besar btl dugaan ini..sblm bertindak aku t'pakse b'pk akn byk me..

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